If you are looking for some travel inspo, you’ve come to the right place. Here you are going to find a list of the 8 travel instagrammers you should be following in no particular order. Take a look!
1. Nathalie (@nathalie_wanders)
Nathalie is the queen of pretty dresses and she has amazing photos. She’s based in Paris, likes to travel around the world and has a love affair with Albert, her tripod. She really inspired me when I traveled to Paris and even helped with some tips. So besides all the beautiful photos, this girl is the sweetest person ever.

2. Joana and André (@honeymooners)
Joana and André have the sweetest love story ever. They have been together since the age of 14. Now husband and wife, they share the same passion for travel and Joana has the world’s most traveled wedding dress.

3. Andi (destinationchaser)
Another beautiful girl traveling the world by herself. You need to follow her adventures. Andi has some pretty crazy stories to tell. She traveled solo around Israel, Lebanon and Jordan and one of the bravest things she ever did was traveling to Syria. That really impressed me.

4. Morgane (@morgylh)
You will love this blondie, trust me. Morgane has some pretty creative photos like the one with the mirror that you will see below. She knows Paris like the palm of her hand so she knows all the instagrammable spots.

5. Marcy Yu (@marcy_yu)
She quit her dream job in the fashion industry to pursue the dream to become a full-time traveler and blogger. Her goal is to inspire people to leave their comfort zone and “to explore more of the beautiful colors of our world”.

6. Lasma Plone (@lasmaplone)
Lasma is a travel girl “born in Latvia, cultivated in Italy, based in Portugal and totally obsessed with the rest of the world”. She shares her journey on Instagram where you can follow her around Lisbon, my beautiful city, and around the globe.

7. João Cajuda (@joaocajuda)
João Cajuda is a travel blogger and videographer from Portugal. In 2016, his blog was ranked in the TOP 15 most influent travel bloggers in the world. He also owns an Adventure Travel Agency and organizes group trips to selected destinations as Morocco, Tanzania and Thailand.

8. Raquel and Miguel (@explorerssaurus_)
The cutest couple with the best photos ever! I love their photos but I also love how real and honest they are about their lives, travels and their relationship. It’s amazing to follow them around. Raquel is super creative and Miguel has some amazing editing and Photoshop skills. They also sell their photo presets.

Who else should I be following? I would love to find new travel inspiration too so let me know in the comments bellow.
Follow me on Instagram to see what I’m doing and where I am right now!