Nathalie inspirou-me a visitar Sevilha. Apaixonei-me pela cidade assim que vi as fotos e li o post about it! It’s such a beautiful city, full of colors, nice people and the smell of orange trees. Here is my Seville City Guide. Hope you like it!


Summers in Seville are some of the warmest in the whole Europe, with temperatures above 35ºC (95ºF). In terms of weather, this is not the best time for visiting Seville. The best time to visit Seville is in the Fall or Spring. I went there in February, before this coronavirus situation, and the weather was great, it actually felt like Summer.


Nós ficámos no Hotel Murillo, in the charming Santa Cruz neighborhood of Seville. The hotel was in a fabulous location, within walking distance from the main sites (Seville Cathedral, the Alcázar and the Archive of the Indies). The best part was the roof terrace with the most amazing view of the city, especially at sunset. Also, the staff was very friendly. In my opinion, it’s extremely underrated, it deserves more stars.

Seville City Guide


Sevilha é uma cidade linda e que pode ser facilmente percorrida a pé. Caminhar é a melhor maneira de apreciar as cores vibrantes da cidade. Como o hotel era no bairro de Santa Cruz, íamos a pé para todo o lado. O único transporte que apanhámos foi o autocarro para o aeroporto. Andámos cerca de 45 km em 5 dias.


Here is what you can’t miss in Seville! Take a look!

1º DIA

Primeiro, tivémos de fazer o check-in no hotel. Quando chegámos, os quartos ainda não estavam prontos, então pediram-nos para esperar um pouco e aproveitei para tirar algumas fotos pelo hotel.

Bairro de Santa Cruz

We went to Jardines de Murillo and explored the colorful Barrio Santa Cruz. It’s a dream for people who like spontaneous trips. Getting lost in this neighborhood is part of the fun. It’s full of tapas bars, souvenir shops and historic buildings.

Almoço no Realcázar

Almoçámos no Realcázar, onde comi um hambúrguer delicioso. Não tinha pesquisado este restaurante antes de ir por isso foi uma agradável surpresa.

Depois disso, fomos comprar alguns snacks para o outro dia. Havia um Carrefour Express perto do hotel.
Dica: It comes out cheaper to buy food at the supermarket and it’s always a good idea to have some snacks with you.
A seguir, fomos para o hotel para ver o pôr-do-sol do terraço.

2º DIA

9:30H Real Alcázar

The day started with cold and fog, but around noon the sun came out. Early in the morning we visited the Real Alcázar. It’s a beautiful royal palace built by Christians on the site of a Muslim fortress destroyed after the conquest of Seville. It’s full of gorgeous details, tiles and the gardens are amazing. It opens at 9:30 a.m. I advise you to arrive half an hour earlier, as we did, because the queue is huge. And buy the tickets online in advance, if you can. Unfortunely, they were no longer available.

Almoço na Taberna La Auténtica

We had lunch at Taberna La Auténtica. It’s not the best place to eat but there’s worse. Their tinto de verano is good though.

Torre del Oro

We were supposed to go to the Archivo General de Indias and to the Seville Cathedral but the Archive was under renovations and the Cathedral closed earlier that day because of a celebration. Instead, we went for a walk by the river. Torre del Oro stands on the left bank of Guadalquivir river. Rumor has it that this beautiful tower was once tiled in gold; it now houses a museum detailing the city’s maritime history.

3º DIA

Pequeno-almoço no Filo Catalina

Começámos o dia com um pequeno-almoço maravilhoso no café FILO Catalina. Lá encontram muitas opções deliciosas. Eu sou doida por croissants acabadinhos de fazer. Todas as opções vêm com sumo de laranja natural e um café. O preço do pequeno-almoço pode ir dos 4.90€ aos 10€.


After breakfast, we went to visit the Cathedral. It’s the third largest church in the world and the largest Gothic church. The tower is called La Giralda and has a lot of history. It used to be part of a mosque under Muslim rule and now it’s a bell tower under Christian rule. Once at the top, you’ll have a panoramic over of the entire city and you’ll be able to spot the Patio de los Naranjos and the Seville Tower.

We had lunch at a restaurant near the cathedral, but I don’t remember the name, honestly, the food was nothing special so it’s not worth a recommendation anyway.


Metropol Parasol is a wooden structure located at La Encarnación square, in the old quarter of Seville. It’s populary known as Las Setas de la Encarnación (Incarnation’s mushrooms) and its appearance and location resulted in much public controversy. I personally love it! There is a viewpoint, from where you have one of the best views in the entire city. The entrance ticket costs around 4€ but you get a free drink and a postcard from the souvenir shop inside. Does it remind you of mushrooms or waffles?

4º DIA


We started the day in Plaza de España. I advise you to go early if you want to have it all for yourself for a while. This beautiful square is located in Maria Luisa Park. It’s covered with yellow and blue ceramic details. During the day, it’s full of people but at sunrise you’ll have it all for yourself. The buildings really come to life with the golden morning light.


A comida era tão boa que voltámos no dia seguinte para tomar o pequeno-almoço.


Não se esqueçam de acrescentar a Casa de Pilatos ao vosso roteiro de Sevilha. Vale muito a pena! Tem cerca de 150 padrões de azulejo diferentes. O bilhete para ver a casa inteira custa 12€ e já inclui um audioguia e uma visita guiada pelo segundo piso.

Dica: it’s way less crowded than the Real Alcázar.


A Plaza del Cabildo é um pouco difícil de encontrar mas vale muito a pena a visita. A arquitetura é linda. É uma praça semi-circular, com colunas em mármore, arcos e frescos. Eu amo prestar atenção aos detalhes dos edifícios, e vocês?


We ended the day with sangria and a flamenco show at La Carbonería. It’s a place where locals go for a drink, a catch up and to enjoy flamenco dancing. You don’t have to pay an entrance fee, just a drink. Arrive early if you want good seats. You’re not allowed to take photos of the show.

5º DIA


On the last day, we had nothing planned. The idea was simply to take a stroll through the streets of Seville and relax, without a strict plan. We ended up walking by the river and saw some streets that we hadn’t seen. We crossed by Torre del Oro again and took some more pictures.


Comi a melhor sandes da minha vida. Se alguma vez forem ao FILO Catalina, peçam a sandes Campero Deluxe com presunto, queijo, tomate, alface e maionese de trufas.


Estava imenso calor naquele dia por isso, achámos que a melhor maneira de terminar a nossa viagem era comer um gelado.


Archivo General de Indias

Era suposto termos ido ao Archivo General de Indias mas estava em obras. É um monumento histórico e Património Mundial da Humanidade, segundo a UNESCO. Lá podem encontrar O Tratado de Tordesilhas e muitos outros documentos importantes.

E este foi o meu Guia Completo de Sevilha. Espero que tenham gostado! Estejam à vontade para ver também o meu Guia completo de Madrid.

Partilhem este post com os vossos companheiros de viagem. Sigam-me no Instagram para ver o que estou a fazer e onde estou e não se esqueçam de subscrever o blog se ainda não o fizeram. 


  1. Julho 31, 2020 / 5:20 pm

    I’ve not been to Seville but this guide has made me want to go there now! I like how you’ve broken down your trip into sections…and I just love the snapshot theme for your images as it really adds to the city break vibe of this post! x

    • inesmfd
      Julho 31, 2020 / 5:29 pm

      Thank you! I’m so glad you liked it! Seville is a beautiful city!

  2. Agosto 1, 2020 / 2:16 pm

    Love this city guide! I can’t wait to book a weekend to this awesome place 🙂

    • inesmfd
      Agosto 1, 2020 / 3:19 pm

      Thank you dear! So glad you liked it! You will love Seville!

  3. Agosto 1, 2020 / 11:49 pm

    Looks like a jam packed guide! I think I might have to go just for the ice cream! It looks amazing! Way too pretty to eat!

    • inesmfd
      Agosto 2, 2020 / 2:51 pm

      Thank you! Glad you liked it! That ice cream was absolutely delicious!

  4. Agosto 11, 2020 / 1:57 am

    We look forward to visiting this city later. We spend a lot of time in Barcelona, but never visited here before. I can play a guitar, but want to learn the special way they play one here. Thank you for this post

    • inesmfd
      Agosto 12, 2020 / 2:19 pm

      That sounds amazing! I really want to visit Barcelona, it must be beautiful. Glad you liked my post.

      • Agosto 12, 2020 / 3:43 pm

        We are stuck in Florida, as most of the world does not like having Americans visit right now. We hope to make Japan next spring for cherry blossom season.

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