In this post, you’re going to find a list of 5 brave female solo travelers you should be following on Instagram. Take a look!
1. Ciara (hey_ciara)
Ciara quitted her job to travel the world solo because she was tired of waiting for others to persue her dreams. She has the best tips about safety for traveling solo. Her best advice is to embrace the unknown and look for experiences that take you out of your comfort zone. You go girl!

2. Veronica (@veronicawi)
Veronica has useful tips about solo traveling and how to save money. She used to work as an au pair and that’s how her journey started. She loved that experience and now inspires others to follow her dreams. You’ll also find tips to help you plan your next trip.

3. Eva zu Beck (@evazubeck)
Eva likes to go to places where most tourists don’t go. She travels with her tripod and takes beautiful and real travel photos. She’s super honest about her travel adventures. Her mission is to do something against overtourism.

4. Philomene (@philomene_vagabonde)
Philomene is in a relationship with her tripod and her photos are so dreamy. She has been to Dubai, India, Marrakech, Jamaica, Bali and so on. Her feed is full of blue skies and bright colors. You’re gonna love it!

5. Marina (@marinacomes)
Marina loves to live her life to the fullest. So far, she has been to 57 countries and she says she’s in love with the whole world. Marina speaks 6 languages (very impressive btw). From her point of view, most places are safer than we think but she tries to avoid countries where it would be too risky to move around without companion. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?

Well, this is my list of female solo travelers you should be following. Who else should I be following? I would love to find new travel inspiration too so let me know in the comments. If you’re looking for more inspiration, you can also check this post about my favorite travel instagrammers and this one about 5 photographers you should be following.
Please share this post with your travel buddies. Follow me on Instagram to see what I’m doing right now and don’t forget to subscribe the blog if you haven’t!