In this post, I’m going to share with you the 5 photographers that inspire me the most and that you should be following. Take a look!
1. Gilmar Silva (@gilmarphotos)
Gilmar is a Brazilian wedding and family photographer. He’s famous for showing the most amazing before and after photos as part of a series called LUGARvsPHOTO (PLACEvsPHOTO) He can literally shoot anywhere and that is such an inspiration to me. Besides, I’m taking an online photography course with him and I’m loving every bit of it.

2. Mariana Gama (@marianagamaphoto)
I had the privilege of finally meeting Mariana Gama in person last week after following her for a while on Instagram. She is a wedding, family and tourist photographer that lives in Lisbon, a city that 6 years ago she decided to call home. Trust me, she knows Lisbon better than anyone. You can check her website here and book a photoshoot with her.

3. Catarina Zimbarra (@catarinazimbarraphotography)
Catarina Zimbarra is a very talented photographer who likes to “capture the natural details, atmospheres, moments and emotions of a wedding day or just a family’s morning”. Her light is so beautiful! I love everything about her photos.

4. The Paris Photographer (@theparisphotographer)
Fran Boloni is the founder of The Paris Photographer but there are now 3 photographers in the team. They are a “team of passionate Paris photographers with different styles, artistic vision and experience” that offer photoshoots for couples, families and solo travelers.

5. Inês Alves (@storytellerphoto)
Inês had the dream of being an astronaut but ended up graduating in Journalism and fell in love with photography. Capturing the essence of relationships, the naturalness of interactions is undoubtedly what she loves the most.

And these are the 5 photographers you should be following! Tell me: were you following them already? Who else should I be following? I would love to find new photography inspiration too so let me know in the comments bellow.
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