10 Destinos Seguros para Mulheres que Viajam Sozinhas

Looking for places to start your next solo adventure? I believe that a woman’s place is wherever she wants to be. While there may be some destinations that are safer than others, the world is not as scary as some might think. There are plenty of places where you can feel safe on your own. Check out this list of 10 Safe Destinations for Solo Female Travelers.

Disclaimer: No matter where you are, always pay close attention to your belongings and stay in touch with someone from home who knows your itinerary.

1. Islândia

Iceland has the some of the lowest crime rates on the planet and is ranked number one in the Global Peace Index. It’s also one of the best destinations for solo girls in search of female adventure travel. There are countless reasons to visit Iceland, but it’s her natural beauty that steals the show. There are lots of activities you can do there. You can hike a glacier and take a bath at the beautiful Blue Lagoon! Its capital, Reykjavík, is very charming, with many attractions and a busy nightlife.

10 Safe Destinations for Solo Female Travelers

2. Suíça

Located in the heart of Europe, Switzerland is a country full of cultural diversity, a wide variety of attractions, and cosmopolitan landscapes that fade into breathtaking natural ones. It’s also the seventh most peaceful country in the world, according to the Global Peace Index.

3. Nova Zelândia

Já tinha da Nova Zelândia aqui no blog no post sobre 8 destinos para a vossa primeira viagem pós-quarentena. It’s considered the fourth safest country in the world according to a survey by the Institute for Economics and Peace. There you’ll come across some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. North Island offers active volcanoes, culture and history. South Island offers wildlife, wineries and glacial valleys.

4. Austrália

Australia is home to some of the most diverse wildlife and landscapes in the world. You can rent a car and explore places like Sydney, Melbourne and the Gold Coast.

5. Canadá

In Canada you’ll find yourseld surrounded by some of the most beautiful landscapes your eyes have ever seen, including forests, snow-covered mountains, countrysides, and lakes. Also, Canadians have a reputation for being the friendliest people in the world and, while traveling alone there, you’ll see why. Canada is also home to many of the world’s safest cities for solo female travel!

6. Países Baixos

Lá, podem admirar os campos de tulipas cheios de cores vibrantes ou fazer um cruzeiro pela cidade. Também podem explorar a paisagem de bicicleta. Tulipas são as minhas flores favoritas. Pessoalmente, esperaria pela época das tulipas, de meio de Março a meio de Maio.

7. Japão

O Japão ocupa o sexto lugar entre os países mais pacíficos do mundo, de acordo com o Global Peace Index. Se estiverem a viajar sozinhas, não vão precisar de se preocupar tanto com serem assaltadas ou andarem sozinhas à noite em comparação com outros países.

8. Bélgica

Belgium is known for its historic sites and tourist attractions. In Brussels, you can enjoy the medieval architecture, while in Bruges, you’ll find a landscape worthy of a movie scene. Also, study abroad programs are pretty popular, making Belgium a great destination for young girls to meet other travelers.

9. Áustria

The International Women’s Travel Center placed Austria fourth on their ranking of the best countries for women traveling alone. It’s home to majestic mountains and opulent palaces. But beyond that, its modern cities are proof of how easily Austria combines the contemporary with the historic. You can visit Vienna where all the great museums are gathered. You can also visit Hallstatt. It’s on my wish list.

10. França

A França preencheu quase 80% da sua lacuna na igualdade de género, o que a coloca no Top 20 em todo o mundo. Também está no Top 20 dos destinos de aventura, graças ao clima agradável, às bonitas paisagens e à simpatia dos seus habitantes.

Espero que esta lista de 10 destinos seguros para mulheres que viajam sozinhas vos seja útil. Espero que saibam que esta é apenas a ponta do iceberg, existem muitos outros lugares ótimos para explorarem sozinhas! 

Also, feel free to check my post about 5 mulheres viajantes inspiradoras que deviam seguir no Instagram. I promise you won’t regret it!

Partilhem este post com os vossos companheiros de viagem. Sigam-me no Instagram para ver o que estou a fazer e onde estou e não se esqueçam de subscrever o blog se ainda não o fizeram. 



  1. Março 18, 2021 / 9:24 am

    This is really useful thank you. I can’t wait to start travelling again.

    • Março 18, 2021 / 5:57 pm

      Thanks! Glad you liked it! That makes two of us, can’t wait to travel again

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