Andar de avião pela primeira vez: tudo o que precisas de saber

If you’re reading this you’re probably going to have your first flight and you have no clue what to do. No worries, here you’re going to find all you need to know if you’re flying for the first time.

Let’s start from the beginning: my first flight. When I had my first flight I was 21 years old which is older than most people. That also means that I was older than most kids in that plane that were used to flight since they were in their mother’s bellies. Besides, it was a 8-hour flight. As you can imagine, I was feeling a bit nervous. Actually, there was a man more nervous than me. He was freaking out because it was his first flight too and, to be honest, it was pretty funny to watch. He started screaming: “Why are the windows closed? I can’t breathe, just open the windows!” Just to be clear, plane windows don’t open!

To someone that was never on a plane that can be an exciting but also terrifying experience at the same time. But as you can see, I survived and I’m here to tell the story. Now, let me help you with yours.

Prepara-te para o voo

Primeiro de tudo, prepara-te. Leva em consideração o local de partida e de chegada porque, se precisares de transporte adicional, o preço pode variar. O teu bilhete indica o número do voo, a hora de partida e de chegada e a hora do check-in e do embarque (segue-os religiosamente).

You’re going to need your ID or passport, depending on where you are traveling. Also, remember that you may have to deal with mandatory visas and vaccines. Keep your documents close at hand as you will have to show them over and over again.

If you have hold luggage like I did please note the weight limit allowed by the airline you’ve chosen or you will have to pay the excess and you don’t want that! The same goes for your cabin baggage.

Ao preparar a bagagem de mão, tem atenção às restrições de segurança (não carregues armas e objetos pontiagudos, todos os líquidos devem ser armazenados em recipientes com capacidade até 100 ml e transportados em um único saco de plástico transparente e selável, com dimensões máximas de 20x20cm e capacidade total de até 1 litro).

Check In

Certifica-te de chegar a tempo de realizar o check-in e o controlo de segurança sem nenhum stress, pois pode ser um processo longo. O ideal é estar no aeroporto duas ou três horas antes da hora prevista do voo.

A primeira coisa que precisas de fazer quando chegares ao aeroporto é localizar a tua companhia aérea. Os aeroportos estão divididos em terminais e várias companhias aéreas operam em terminais diferentes. Existem também diferentes terminais para partidas e chegadas. Assim, tens ir ter ao terminal de partida da tua companhia aérea. 

Some airlines give you the option of checking in electronically. Honestly, it’s much more practical and saves you a lot of time. You just have to print out your boarding pass to take with you to the airport or use your phone as your boarding pass. If that’s not the case, hand over your airline attendant  your flight ticket and ID and they will give you your boarding pass. If you’re planning to check your bags, your luggage will be weighed, labeled and sent to the hold.

Passar pela segurança

Once you have checked in, you can proceed to the departure area. To access it, you have to go through security control: in the first stage, you’ll have to show your boarding pass and passport or ID, then you’ll be directed to the machines where you and your hand luggage will be scanned. This is the part when you start thinking “what if I accidently have a gun?” (just kidding). You’ll need to take off your shoes and all metallic elements before going through the scan, as these will set off the metal detectors. If you are planning to pack liquids in your carry-on, you’ll have to remove them too.

Agora a parte divertida: a zona Duty-Free, que é livre de impostos, onde a compra de perfumes, cremes, roupa e muito mais pode compensar bastante.

Encontrar a porta de embarque

Once you’ve successfully made it through security, it’s time to find your boarding gate. Check your boarding pass to see which gate your plane is departing from. Once at the boarding gate, you will have a small lounge with chairs, where you can relax.

Once boarding begins, hand over your boarding pass to flight attendants, who will return it to you after verification. At the entrance of the plane, you’ll be greeted by a cabin member, who will see your boarding pass again and show you your seat and that’s it!

Dicas bónus

There is likely to be some turbulence during the flight but don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal. Also, to avoid the feeling that pressure changes cause, have some gum with you.

Now that you read all you need to know if you’re flying for the first time, you just have to relax and make the most of the experience of your first flight.

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All you need to know if you're flying for the first time: view from the airplane window
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